visual mappingWe use a unique visual mapping process to generate, gather and present the ideas of the group.

Benefits of the process …

  • We encourage silent and individual generation of ideas, providing divergent thinking and avoiding ‘group think’ (one stream of thinking).
  • All participate and all ideas are heard and are objectively assessed because the message unfolds too quickly to pin ideas to people.
  • Evaluating of ideas is democratic which results in buy-in to the conclusions.
  • The process is stimulating and fun and takes approximately 50% of normal meeting time.
  • Because the process is focused and follows a clear agenda results are assured.
  • The real costs of a meeting are the opportunity costs of the people in the room so generating an ROI is relatively easy to achieve through the efficiency of the process.

How the Process Works

The Participlan process creates a positive environment for the free flow of ideas and constructive discussions. It facilitates the gathering of information and creates innovation, helping teams to solve problems and to make decisions. Ideas and opinions are generated onto specially prepared display sheets, thus enabling all participants to focus their thinking through the visual stimulation provided by this technique. Once all ideas are captured, they are visually grouped in clusters.

Why It Works

Focusing on the right issues

  • Maintaining focus on the agenda / objectives through carefully formulated questions which drive the discussions.
  • Eliminating hidden agendas and hijacking of the meeting through a mechanism to surface and prioritise information without manipulation.
  • Scrutinizing, assessing and adding ideas to the information clustered on the display sheets. This means participants tend to cross-fertilize – rapidly building on each other’s ideas and concepts, in a positive way.

Cutting down meeting length

  • Contributing ideas simultaneously on cards saves time by not having to listen to each individual speak.

Handling emotion in a positive way…

  • Anonymity is achieved by expressing ideas on cards – this separates the person and the idea, which in turn means that the “ideas” are more objectively evaluated, without the fear of hurting any participant’s feelings.
  • Deflecting emotion through the trained facilitator, enabling participants to maintain focus and direction.

Equal participation

  • Keeping a dominant participant “in check” through the nature of the process, which means a quieter person will give input with as much validity as others.
  • Gaining everyone’s opinion with equal say and a democratic way of prioritising information. Participants then naturally have greater ownership of the outcome of the meeting, resulting in better commitment to the actions agreed.

Visual mapping – capturing every idea

Each display sheet can be digitally reproduced. Participants can thus receive a copy of exactly what they saw develop in the meeting. Consequently, there can be no misunderstanding or manipulation of the minutes or report back from the meeting. This digital reproduction allows for distribution to all participants whilst the meeting is still fresh in their minds.

Who Participates?

Suitable for all levels of staff, and applicable to all sectors of all industries.

Equipment and Venue

The only requirement for this process is that the venue has ample wall space to display the completed worksheets.